Diabetic Footcare

According to what Marc Blatstein read in a recent article, “Despite much effort directed toward amputation prevention in the last decades, the incidence of lower-extremity amputation in people with diabetes continues to rise.” Amputations for diabetic patients doesn’t need to be on the rise and can easily be prevented. Patients need to practice preventive health […]

Shoes that are comfortable aren’t always the best option

Dr Marc Blatstein  came across an interesting article today in the Washington Post. The article talks about comfortable shoes and how they might not be the best for you. You might think your super comfortable Clogs are providing you with all the necessary comfort, but you should think again. A study indicated that people with […]

Are you experiencing numbness on the top of your foot?

Don’t jump to conclusions too quickly if you are experiencing numbness on the top of your feet. It is isn’t anything you should be worrying about. According to a recent article in the NY Daily News, the Running Doc discusses what is contributing to that numbness and it turns out it is most likely how […]